Making a documentary about Pica

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Making a documentary about Pica

Postby chuette » Tue Nov 09, 2004 4:29 pm

My Dear fellow Ice chewers:

This site is a God send, I thought I had absolutely lost my mind. I am an ice chewer and have been one off and on since childhood. I found out I am anemic which may or may not explain why I chew ice like a manic rabid wild thing. I have driven my boyfriend and family members crazy by my behavior. I live in a different state from my family and I spent about a month with them due to a family medical emergency, I spent this entire month sleeping in ICU waiting rooms the only upside was the ice machine..imagine my glee..and it was the soft chewy bite size variety..yummy sister who is a nurse told me at that time that I had Pica, and would laugh at my manic behavior with ice. My mom (this was summertime) would freeze the .5L bottles of water in the fridge can only imagine I would have these bottles of water everyday they would melt down to a point where there was this long chunk of ice so my sister caught me numerous times hacking off the top of the water bottles and violently crushing the ice to get at it :lol: needless to say I know what everyone goes thorough on this forum and for that reason I have decided to create a documentary about this phenonemon, Anemia in women is linked to so many other diseases...such as Thyroid disease, celiac disease(gluten intolerance) PICA occurs a lot in pregnant women. For anyone who is interested in sharing their story and putting it onto film please email me at

I have recently started taking iron supplements so I will report on how they are taking effect.

bye for now and please email me with your stories, these are stories that have to be told. Unfortunetly I think this medical condition isn't taken seriously because women mostly suffer from anemia.
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Joined: Tue Nov 09, 2004 4:17 pm

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