ice chewing and interest in texture of sand and dirt

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ice chewing and interest in texture of sand and dirt

Postby crunchcrunchcrunch » Tue Mar 14, 2006 3:27 pm

O.k., I have been chewing ice every day for the past 4 or 5 months. During this same time frame I have been really interested in the texture of sand, dirt etc. Not eating it (sand, dirt) but just digging in it. My children have a sand box and they alsi love to play at a big pile of dirt nearby, and I have found myself really interested in playing with this stuff too. Often, when I drive by construction sites with diggers and excavators I think "hmm, that would really be fun to dig in that big pile of dirt. " Can anyone out there relate to this?
I wonder if there is a connection between chewing ice and my interest in the textures of dirt and sand. :?:
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Postby iceicebaby » Sat Jun 03, 2006 3:53 pm

Just to say hi and you cant be the only one that feels like that. If i get really dry white ice chunks then I often think of dirt. Not that I want to eat dirt but it reminds me of dirt. Its the :oops: pica. Happy chewing!
I love ice yes I do
I love ice how bout you?
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Sand texture and ice

Postby Skitterboo » Wed Nov 01, 2006 1:02 pm

I SO know where you're comming from with the wanting to dig in the sand!

My daughter's therapist has a little table top sand box filled with pink sand, and running my hands through it gave me the feeling of having ice in my mouth. :shock:
It felt almost silky to the touch, I've never felt anythign like it, not even when we lived in FL.

I really don't know how to explain this other than it made my mouth feel wet inside, not like made my mouth water like when think of ice...
but the feeling I get when I first put a chunk of ice in my mouth, minus the cold sensation. It was really wierd... so then i couldnt leave the sand alone...

29.99 + S&H for 10 pounds of sand that will be used as a litter box the first time someone leaves the container open Just doesn't work for me, even if it does come in designer colors!
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ice and dust

Postby lawngnomepoo » Thu Jul 19, 2007 1:06 pm

i totally know what you're talking about! I've been chewing ice for years, but in the last year or so i've become obsessed with the texture of dust. i dust all around my house with my hand and chew ice!! also, i'm really anemic, i actually just came home from the hospital to have a blood transfusion. this site has made me think all three of these things may be related!
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