Chrones Disease and Chewing Ice

Share your ice chewing stories.

Chrones Disease and Chewing Ice

Postby Lmah07 » Thu May 01, 2008 12:39 am

Does anyone on here suffer from Chrones Disease?
I am newly diagnosed and I just got done chewing 4 cups of ice in less than 1 hour.
My mom always nags me to stop crunching because she can't stand the sound.
I just started a new treatment called Remicade (transfusion- immune suppressor) and I am wondering if I do have low iron.
I am going in on the 8th of May for my second treatment so I will have to ask them to do an anemia test.
I will let you guys know then, I just wanted to see if anyone has a story like mine.
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Joined: Thu May 01, 2008 12:34 am

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